The TEYSEER CEP Division OH & S Policy
To empower high standards of OH&S, every member of the TEYSEER Management Staff shall comply with the OH&S rules and regulations and also the following code of conduct for OH & S.
- To define, establish and maintain a OHSMS at all operation locations to ensure the safe occupational environment.
- Comply with OH & S rules and regulations to eliminate unsafe activities and operations.
- Find out all possibility of accidents and take appropriate safety precautions to avoid any risk of health or incident.
- Encouraging, effective use of the safe working procedure and practices to continually improve the established OHSMS
- Enhance the safety conscious and knowledge through Educational Training, timely Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
- Safety of the Division employees, protection of Division’s assets and preservation of a healthy environment at work places as well as staff residential areas are considered the prime objectives of the management.
The management is committed……..
- To provide and maintain a safe, healthy and risk-free environment incorporating safety designed plants equipment, implementing sound engineering practices, setting performance standards and conducting audits to ensure strict compliance to the safety standards set by the group company.
- To prevent injury and ill health and comply to applicable statutory & regulatory requirements.
- In line with this policy, all Division employees are required to locate and report to their managers any untoward potential and endeavor to minimize, if not totally eliminate the causes of loss to lives, properties, materials and the environment by all practically possible means.
- It is also the policy of the Division Management to assure that all group company contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and transporters strictly adhere to and abide by all the applicable safety rules and procedures as established by the Division.
- It is ensured that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the company and this policy is displayed at prominent locations in the office and project sites to increase awareness among the employees.
- This policy is reviewed during the Management Review Meeting to ensure that it is suitable to the current business operations of the company.